Merge tags list

Personalization is a powerful way to delight your recipients. Learn more about personalization in our getting started guide. To personalize postcards, you'll need to use merge tags. This article is a complete list of all merge tags we support. Custom data you import with your contacts also have their own merge tags that you can use in your designs.

Available merge tags

Campaign data

Inserts the name of your campaign
Inserts the sender's name -- this is often a company.
Inserts the sender's first line of an address (ex: 435 Main Street)
Inserts the sender's second line of an address (ex: Apt 55)
Inserts the sender's city
Inserts the sender's state
Inserts the sender's zip

Recipient data


Inserts the recipient's first name


Inserts the recipient's last name


Inserts the recipient's first line of an address (ex: 435 Main Street)


Inserts the recipient's second line of an address (ex: Apt 55)


Inserts the recipient's city


Inserts the recipient's state


Insert the recipient's email


Insert the recipient's company


Inserts the recipient's zip


Inserts the recipient's unique person identifier. This value is generated by Mailjoy and is uniquely assigned to each contact. 


Inserts the recipient's unique mailer identifier. This value is generated by   and is uniquely assigned to a person's specific. Note: This is only generated after a campaign is ordered. 


Inserts the recipient's conversion URL for tracking. It's only usable if conversion tracking is enabled. Note: This is only generated after a campaign is ordered. URLs are in the format so an example would be

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