Segmentation options
Segmentation is a powerful tool to create precisely targeted mailings lists by filtering your contacts into auto-updating lists called segments. Segments are defined by the conditions you set. Mailjoy offers tons of conditions for you to use in your segments -- we encourage you to experiment! In this article, we'll outline all of the available conditions you can use to define a segment.
How segments are defined
A segment is defined by the conditions you set. A condition involves some sort of operator (the way you're checking) and value you're checking against. Let's say we want to set up a segment that shows me all contacts who live in California. When setting up the segment in Mailjoy, it would look like the below.
In this example:
State is the condition.
Is is the operator.
California is the value.
Available conditions
We'll cover here all the conditions that Mailjoy offers by default. If you have custom fields setup, you can create segments with those too.
Basic contact data
Create conditions around your contact's basic information.
Conditions are available for first name, last name, email, address 1, address 2, city, state, zip, company.
Import source
Create conditions around how your contacts were added to Mailjoy.
Operators available | Parameters |
Mailed count
Create conditions around how many mailers you've sent to your contacts. Mailjoy keeps a mailed count for every contact you send mail to. Each time you mail them, we increase the count.
Operators available |
Last mailed date
Create conditions around when you last mailed your contacts.
Date operators can either be absolute (i.e using specific dates) or relative (I.e. within a certain number of days from the present).
Operators available | Comparison type |
Date added
Create conditions around when your contacts were created in Mailjoy.
Date operators can either be absolute (i.e using specific dates) or relative (I.e. within a certain number of days from the present).
Operators available | Comparison type |
Last updated date
Create conditions around when you last updated your contacts. This could be anything from changing their profile information to adding/removing them from a static list.
Date operators can either be absolute (i.e using specific dates) or relative (I.e. within a certain number of days from the present).
Operators available | Comparison type |
List membership
Create conditions around your contacts' list memberships.
Operators available | Parameters |