Getting started with Zapier

To use our Zapier integration, a credit plan is required.

What's Zapier?

Zapier lets you connect Mailjoy to 5,000+ apps -- many of which you probably already use! If you've been looking for an easy way to integrate Mailjoy with your other apps, Zapier is the answer. No code is required and setting it up takes minutes. With Zapier, you setup Zaps to automate your workflows. Each Zap does a specific task and involves Mailjoy and whatever app(s) you're interested in. Zaps consist of two parts: triggers and actions.

  • Triggers kick off a Zap because something has happened. This could be a contact that was updated in Mailjoy, a new contact that was added to your Hubspot CRM, or a conversion that happened in one of your campaigns.
  • Actions are the actual automations performed because a trigger happened. This could be to update/create a contact in Mailjoy or send the new contact added in Mailjoy to a Slack channel. 

Note: Zapier integrations won't sync prior data, but they will sync all new/updated data once live. An example is if you setup a Shopify zap that sends customer data from a new order to Mailjoy, it won't sync all of your prior customers, but rather only the ones who order once the zap is live.

Example Zaps

We've found that the best usecases are when you connect Mailjoy to another app that features contact or customer data with full address data. To give you an idea of what's possible, here are some of our favorite Zaps:

Add Shopify customers to Mailjoy

When a Shopify customer orders something, you want to create them as a contact in Mailjoy so you can send them mail. You also want to add them to a specific mailing list so you know which of your contacts came from Shopify.

Trigger: Customer orders something in your Shopify store

Action: Create contact in Mailjoy and add them to a list

Create a contact in Mailjoy when contacts are added in HubSpot

When a contact is created in HubSpot, you want to create them as a contact in Mailjoy so you can send them  .

Trigger: Contact created in HubSpot

Action: Create contact in Mailjoy

Note: You can even setup the Zap to update a contact in Mailjoy if they already exist. To do this, simply select Update Existing? = yes.


If you're creating or updating contacts in Mailjoy, our contacts require a few pieces of a data for the Zap to work:

  • First name
  • Address 1 (Ex: 123 Main street)
  • City (Ex: San Francisco)
  • State (Ex: CA or California)
  • Zip code (Ex: 94105)
  • Email *

* Emails are only required when creating/updating contacts with Zapier. This is so we can identify contacts across different apps.

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